2 large potatoes
Olive oil and sea salt

2 tbsp Pompeian robust olive oil

2 tbsp sour cream (optional)

1 tsp garlic powder

Sea salt and pepper, to taste

1 tbsp dried parsley

1 tbsp chives

1/4 cup cheese (optional)


  1. Scrub the potatoes. Drizzle with olive oil and sea salt. Make fork punctures in both
    potatoes, all around it. Bake the potatoes at 425F for 40-50 minutes, until they are fork

    tender. Let them cool 10. minutes.
  2. Once cool enough to handle, make a slit in the top of each potato. Use a spoon to remove
    the potato filling, leaving an inch or so shell around the potatoes to hold them together. Add

    the potato filling to a food processor with the remaining ingredients. Pulse until everything

    is well combined. Stir in the cheese, if using.

  3. Add the filling back into the potatoes and bake for another 20 minutes.
  4. Top with any toppings you’d like and enjoy!